Saturday, September 3, 2011

Win game one? Check.

You can probably guess that today was spent watching BYU's first football game of the season. 
As you can see...they won. Which means September is already showcasing how awesome it can be.

We made some "treats" for our little watching party. I got my ideas here.

After the game, we attended a wedding reception for one of my former coworkers. 
Her colors were yellow and grey...which I loved. Another friend/coworker made these jewels:

She gave me ideas for "cougar" cupcakes. 
FYI: She is the BIGGEST Ute fan in the world! Seriously. 
And ironically, she is one of the only Ute fans I can stand to talk to about U of U 
and still feel happy.
I could probably sit next to her at a BYU/Utah football game and have a fairly fun time. Maybe.
So weird.

we are BYU.

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