Dear September,
I can't believe you are already here! Where has the time gone? It has officially been over 30 days since I quit my job and I worry about a few things:
First, I love sleeping in. Especially this morning. It didn't help that B opened all the windows in the house and I kept being lulled back into dreamland with the sounds of leafy trees gently swaying in the breeze and the early birds chirping. It also doesn't help that I'm soooo sleepy lately. I don't know what my deal is.
Second, I love having my own schedule. I love being free from shifts and "on the clock". I love not having to worry about when work starts and when it ends. I love writing down my plan at night, which can include anything. Except, I haven't been doing that lately. I don't follow my plan, which is the problem. Yesterday the fridge was bare, the dirty laundry was still piled in our bedroom, and the dishes were multiplying in the sink. What's my deal???
Third, I love being home with B-man. Tuesdays and Thursdays are the best because that's when he works from our house. But, sometimes I feel frustrated because my brain tends to think that if he's home, we can play and have fun. This isn't the case. B has a JOB. He is employed, which = "bringin' home the bacon". And we need that bacon. Something I'm not bringing at all. Which makes me feel self conscious I'm only half a person.
But September, I have enjoyed my time being unemployed. It has allowed me to concentrate on other dreams I have: health, photography, cooking, gardening, etc. Then I look at this list and think "Kind of lame?" Hmm. Is it lame to take some time off to improve yourself and your sanity? No, I don't regret my decision to quit. Neither does B. But, where do I go from here?
For some it is a simple answer, but and I both know it might be a little more complicated. Help me September! Help me please! Lately, I feel you are my favorite month in the calendar year (don't tell June or January). Maybe that's because last year you brought me the man of my dreams. You also bring BYU football and Labor Day weekend. You are new school clothes and brilliant warm hues. Somehow, you have always represented the start of a change in my journey. I know it's a lot to ask, but could you continue your legacy of "awesomeness" this year as well? Could you pull through and provide the answer I'm looking for??
In the meantime, I will continue to pray. I will continue to make "plans". And I will continue to pursue my dreams and righteous desires. I will also cross my fingers I get an interview for the job I just applied for. Come on September!!!
Your biggest fan,
P.S. Could you also make sure BYU wins the game on Saturday? Thanks buddy. Love ya.
In other news:
Yes, it's happened folks. W cooked dinner last night and it was muy delicioso!! I've never had shrimp tacos, but they were SO good. I want to make them again. Like right now.
(I ♥ both these peeps.)
Quote of the day:
“Life is like an old-time rail journey -
delays, sidetracks, smoke, dust, cinders, and jolts
interspersed only occasionally by beautiful vistas and thrilling bursts of speed.
The trick is to thank the Lord for letting you have the ride.”
Jennkin lloyed Jones
“The trick, my brethren and sisters, is to enjoy the journey."
President Gordon B. Hinckley
Love you. Love your blog. Love September. Love BYU. Love the teaching piano idea. Love your cute hubby.