Today we celebrate Brandon's 27th year of life. He's getting so old. Just kidding.
Our schedule was packed! There is no rest for those in celebration:
This morning I got up early to cook B a Birthday Breakfast, including puffed french toast. They didn't turn out as pretty as when B makes them, but they were still yummy. B was in heaven with our "grade B" pure maple syrup and
Ben Rector playing in the background. I also "carefully" and "delicately" wrapped B's presents in left over newspaper. I know, I know. Lame. He got a new leather wallet and a new shirt. He might also have a received a little "something" for me to wear...but it's none of your beeswax.
Whit and I played a duet in church today. It turned out pretty well. When I got back to my seat, B said he was proud of me. My heart burst with love. We skipped out on church choir AGAIN, so I could run back to the house to give W an invitation to our totally awesome HALLOWEEN party coming up this Friday! W was a little hungry before she left to see her man J:
Later, we headed down to Saratoga Springs for some more AMAZING birthday celebration:
(I ♥ this picture. I ♥ this family.)
(These are our birthday balloon wishes for B.)
(Carl did his "traditional" personalization of the cake.)
Happy Birthday my husband. I love you so very much. This morning I looked at your face and couldn't help but give a quiet prayer of thanks to the Lord for bringing you into my life. You are AMAZING. I really mean that. You are patient, kind, considerate, sensitive, selfless, a great listener, a great foot and back rubber, exceptionally brilliant (and you still married me), practically perfect at whatever you start, try, or work on, a hard worker, great provider, and a loyal partner. You are encouraging, giving, and always desiring to help in anyway you can. You love me. You really love me, and that's the best. My happiness is your happiness, which melts my heart. I can't believe I ended up with a man like you. How did that happen? You are absolutely my best friend and I can't imagine my life without you in it. Happy 27th Birthday Sweetheart!
I love you.