Yesterday, we had a little par-tay for B's younger brother Shane.
Let's be honest- celebrations are amped whenever Liam and Finn are involved.
What's a party without some music to jazz up the mood?
Liam and Finn are sure to bring you exactly what you're looking for.
Finn would like you to know, he was planning on entertaining with his light-flipping extravaganza and crawling routine up and down the stairs. Unfortunately, due to creative differences between he and daddy, the plug was pulled.
He is sorry for the inconvenience...because it's really inconvenienced him.
Liam is the greatest wrapping wizard. Plenty of practice within the last month behind him, he is sure to get that paper off in a matter of minutes seconds, allowing you ample time to enjoy your gift. He will also let you know if your gift is play-worthy. Unfortunately for Shane, clothes do not fall in that category. Sorry Shane.
Last, but definitely not least, quality assurance is included in the Liam and Finn Party-Animal package. Before you put that first bite of Birthday Cake in your mouth, be sure to let our certified taste-testers make sure you're getting the best! If you opt out of this feature, please note this does not prevent little fingers from swiping at the frosting anyway.
It's easy for B, Shane, and I to remember how old we are.
Just take Shane's age, add a year for me, and then add another year for B.
Wait...did I just say how old I am?
Well, B will always be older. ;)
We love you!