Wednesday, April 7, 2010

So long. Farewell. I hate to say goodbye.

The day finally came. On Friday I clocked out for the last time.
Utah Valley, you have been good to me.

It wouldn't have been complete without a little "party" to celebrate the good times! Jen was nice enough to put a little something together at her house right after work. My favorite part were the fliers she posted all over the lab. I actually had a patient look at the flier, then at me and ask "So, you're getting a better life, huh? Mind telling me how I could do that?"

Some faces that I cannot forget.
I will love them for always.
(p.s. don't judge my appearance as the night went on. It was hot. I was crying. My hair is a frizz mess.)

Good heart. Great boss.

This woman is the prank MASTER. Muchas good times.

My accomplice. Again, muchas good times. Muchas.

(P.S. Ahem . . .this gorgeous girl is single. Available. Totally fun. Wanna #?)

Hostess. Friend. Sister. I love her.

I would have to claim that I basically learned phlebotomy from this lady. She taught me the essence of what it means to love and serve a patient with all your heart.

The Steve man. So many women. Only one Steve. He's a rockstar.

Nancy is our prank guinea pig. You're a trooper Nan.
Don't hate me for posting this pic! I love you!

The parentals also came.

I had to post this pic. Steve and General (also Steve).


Thanks for everything you guys! I will miss you so much! Love, love, love!

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