If I could see different personalities before, they are definitely in "full bloom" now! Liam has become a little shy around strangers and loves his mama. He could be held and snuggled all day and be perfectly content. He loves to laugh. He will laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh for whatever amount of time we decide to tickle and tease him. He has come up with this cheesy, toothy, squinty-eye smile that is hilarious. He loves to watch and look and listen and study things around him. And talk about it. He can sit and play peacefully until he sees me walk into the room...then he wants to be held. I cherish our snuggle time.
Finn could really care less about being held or tickled or teased, because there's too much to do, see, and explore! Holy cow, he is my busy, busy boy. I am holding my breath for a little more time before he starts crawling and becoming "mobile". He already loves to roll around on the floor and get into things. He can't sit in one place very long or he gets annoyed. He loves seeing new people. I attended a viewing for one of B's relatives and Finn would watch as people came in the door and just smile, move his hands up and down, and jabber. I adore this busy little "social bug".
With Finn's big blue eyes and Liam's little cheesy smile, people can't resist them. Sometimes they drive me crazy. Sometimes they make me cry (mostly happy). Sometimes they make me laugh so hard. Mostly, they bring me so much joy. They are in every prayer. They are in the majority of my thoughts throughout the day. They are my life.
My favorite little buddies, I love you so much! A belated Happy 8 Months!
Easter Sunday 2013
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