I'm so glad B did a little writing on the blog last week. San Francisco was such an AMAZING experience! And B is right, I wouldn't mind it one bit if he "happened" to apply to Google and we "happened" to move out to Mountain View, CA. But that's for another day.
You have to forgive me for not posting anything for a long time. My sister acted relieved when I told her B posted an update. Has it really been that long?
Looking through my photos, I guess it has:
Chee Chee had a birthday. Her 14th, to be exact.
(Grandpa writing his balloon wish for Chee)
(My adorable P)
(Getting ready for the balloon launch)
*Check out Carson's balloon. Awesome.*
**Check out my B. Double Awesome.**
Easter Sunday was an all-family event.
We ended up at Shaw's for Tay's birthday, but we started out in Saratoga Springs to hear B's mom speak in sacrament. She did such a good job, that my eyes started to leak. (okay, that's not hard to do) But, her sweet spirit was so radiant as she bore testimony of the Savior. As I sat on the bench listening to her, I gave a prayer of thanks to Heavenly Father for such wonderful women in my life and the wonderful grandparents my children will be blessed with.
Speaking of wonderful women in my life...
Mother's Day 2011

I LOVE my mother-in-law. I feel very grateful for that.
LOVES her family
Raised an INCREDIBLE son
(He got her patient and gentle genes. There is hope for our kids.)
Is ADORED by the little kids in Primary
And is the GREATEST Cougar fan in the world.
Could you ask for anything more?
*Plus her tulips are amazing. Just sayin'.
(I am feeling terrible because I forgot to take a pic of me and my mom on Mother's Day.
I decided to use this picture of the fam at Chee's party.)
I LOVE my mom.
LOVES her family.
Raised 4 "fairly" independent and STRONG children.
(Interpret "strong" however you like: strong-headed, stubbornly strong, strong musclos...wait no not that one.)
Is a fantastic LAUGHER.
ADORES the youth she's served and they adore her.
The CRAFTIEST woman I've ever met.
Would spend hours in her garden, if life would let her.
I love you grasshopper!
In other news, I think I've kicked the "lovely" bug that's invaded my body for the past week to THE CURB.
Either antibiotics FINALLY decided to kick in, or I'm superwoman.
I'm thinking both.
Happy Friday!
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