For Memorial Day weekend, B and I left the boys with grandparents while we headed to Green River for a rafting trip with family and friends down Desolation and Grey Canyons. It's a trip I did many times with my family as a kid, but it's been years since I've been down. Having B with me was a fun and new experience! I think he enjoyed it...for the most part! ;)
Day 1: The put-in at Sand Wash
We had 5 boats and 3 families on this trip (Shaw, Baldwin, and Wilson/Lloyd)
(The whole gang.)
(Our boatmen. Super awesome guys.
The middle one's a bit young, but the other two are single and ready to mingle. C'mon ladies.)
1st Camp: Stampede Flats
Day 2: Turtle Shell Fossil and Moonshiners Cabin
(Cheesy grin in honor of Elder Shaw's signature smile.)
2nd Camp: Rock Creek Ranch
(Randy Wilson was a good friend and father/grandfather to a majority of the people on this trip. He is responsible for getting my dad started in white water rafting. Randy passed away almost 14 years ago. In honor of his legacy, a time capsule was buried under this mulberry tree at Rock Creek Ranch with his rafting memorabilia and letters from each of his four children. This trip down, the time capsule was uncovered.
(Bathing in Rock Creek. Pretty chiiiiilllly!)
Day 3: McPherson Ranch
I swear we have a million pictures of our family in front of this rock cabin over several years of trips.
Seriously, a million.
Along with remnants of McPherson's Ranch, there is an old, abandoned motel.
It's a little creepy...
This day was a bit cold and windy. A $0.98 poncho originally purchased for a high school dance activity seemed a good idea for staying dry. Beta testing was unsuccessful, but a good laugh about looking like a certain type of Disneyland tourist was had by all.
NOTE: It appears this is where I decided to retire my camera. No documentation of our last camp and boat take-out can be found.
4 days on the river. It was a blast. It was an adventure.
I forgot how beautiful and peaceful it is- a home away from home.
"Just another day in paradise!"
Steve Shaw
*Thanks to Whitney for getting the permit and letting us tag along, to my dad for outfitting us a bit, and to Baldwins for letting us be guests on their boat and giving us a good ride.
Looks fun! I love that Joey takes his mate anywhere :)